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Java without heavy ORM for light applications and micro services

December 24, 2016

I have been scouring the internet for opinions and alternatives to what Java has to offer in terms of both ORM and non-ORM for database access. Unlike Python, I do not clearly know what is out there for Java. Rails is easy, if you use Rails you use ActiveRecord and forget about anything else. Hibernate seems to be much-used historically for Java and Spring framework as ORM layer. In any case, for building small apps and micro-services which are data centric it would be overkill to use ORM. Unlike Rails/Ruby, Java projects are much more active and well maintained.

Found an interesting thread on Reddit discussing alternatives to ORM even though the ask was about ORM. I found the following possible non-ORM alternatives that could come in handy.

JDBC : Pure database and SQL query part of Java API. Verbose (which Java tends to be anyway) but no frills. This is the direct interface to Database using the API standard. I think it’s important to learn this way first anyway plus it’s always going to work if you get it right. Where complex POJO are not required , JDBC is the best option.

JDBI: An interesting wrapper to JDBC that makes it easier to use JDBC and less verbose. Surely worth a look and the DAO layer is all we need mostly to not have to write the same queries over and over again.

JOOQ: Java 8 lambda supporting interface to JDBC much like JDBI but with lot more features including code generation from database. A lot of focus on functional programming and lambdas. Good reason for it as the author also created lambdaj for Java 5. It has neat data binding practices which I would certainly consider for SparkJava. It is commercial though OSS. it is still free for non-commercial databases. So if you use MariaDB or PostgresSQL you’re fine. Overkill for small apps as some suggest but it’s worth mentioning.

SQL2o - I only discovered it when I was evaluating SparkJava and it is amazing. It is as low footprint as JDBC but adds Java class mapping, extremely terse. This could be a go to instead of JDBC. Try-with-resources for added ease of use.  Definitely looking like my go-to after JDBC

ORMLite - It’s a lightweight ORM. Commonly used for Android apps but can be used as server side just the same. Weird licensing so I am unlikely to use it.

Once I run out of JDBC which is likely as I write more POJO to save objects, I might consider SQL2O

You are welcome to connect with me. Abhishek Dujari
This is my archived blog where you will find content about early days of Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Development and Sysadmin.